Stone Mill Hotel & Suites

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Rainy & Snowy Spring outside = Springs Cleaning Inside

DSC03112  There for a little while, the sun started to shine and warm the DSC03101earth.  We even started getting the front patio ready for guests.  But then, Mother Nature decided that we needed a little cooling off.  So she sent us some snow and some rain and some wind.  Since we can not be outside getting things ready for guests, we decided that we needed to do a little “spring cleaning” around the Mill. 

Our Spring Cleaning involves a lot of hard work and long hours.  One of the things that comes with spring cleaning is of course a visit from the local health inspector.  We are proud to report that this year the Health Inspector gave us a score of 100!DSC03066  Over the past month we have been shampooing the carpets, flipping mattress and all that good stuff that helps us to maintain the rooms in new condition.  We have also added some new shelving in the rooms.  As you can see in the picture to the left, many of our rooms and suites have new shelves over the coffee and microwave station. 


We are also excited about continuing our relationship with DSC03084Essence of Lanesboro.   Last year we worked with Peter C. Bilkey, Ph.D, owner of Essence to develop a scent specific and unique to Stone Mill.  After many long sniffing sessions, we finally came back to the combination that we started with… “Suites Scent with Juniper”.   Here at Stone Mill, it was important that we created a scent that was light, refreshing, did not contrast with personal cologne or perfume and one that gentlemen did not mind using either.

Hope you enjoy these little “spring cleaning” touches when you come for your next visit with Stone Mill!



Monday, April 4, 2011

Stone Mill Hotel & Suites Has A Brand New Look

SMHS_web For some, quiet season is a time for relaxing, vacationing, and resting before the next peak season.  While here at Stone Mill, we do do some of that, for the most part the quiet season is a time of preparations.  There is a lot of time spent updating, tweaking and general  housekeeping that goes on so that when you arrive you already feel as if you are home. 
This year, one of our largest task has been the process of updating and upgrading our web site.  With lots of time, patience and hard work, Sarah at Peterson Creative has helped us put together what we believe to be our best Web Site ever! 

This new website has many great new features and updates.  We hope that you will take the time to enjoy this new website and use it as a great new tool for planning your perfect Lanesboro Getaway.
Please click on the link below to see an announcement highlighting the new website and many of its great new features!
Stone Mill Suites Has A Brand New Look

Friday, April 1, 2011

Signs of Spring at Stone Mill Hotel & Suites

DSC03061  Just outside of Stone Mill Hotel & Suites there is a planter, and in this planter each and every spring Cheryl (Colleen’s Mom) always plants beautiful flowers.  In the spring however, there are a few crocuses that always seem to sprout up before anything else can be planted.  DSC03064
We like to think of these delicate and beautiful perennials as the first signs that soon the weather will warm and that the bikers and theater goers will soon be back and another wonderful summer season is just around the corner. 
But there is so much more going on around the Mill here than just beautiful little flowers peaking up through the soil.  We have been hard at work all winter long putting together new ideas and a few new touches here and there to welcome each and every one of you back to your favorite overnight Lanesboro lodging.  We hope that each of you will keep up to date here on our new blog with all the comings and goings of life here at the old Lanesboro FEED MILL. 
Check back often because you never know what can happen just a stone’s throw from anywhere you are…